

A warm welcome and thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at our primary school.

We believe that no two learners arriving at St Mary and All Saints are the same.

Children come from different backgrounds, bring different experiences, and have different needs and interests. From the moment your child arrives in the school, they can be sure of receiving a warm welcome as well as help and guidance from their teacher as they become part of a new family here at SMAS.

At the heart of what we do is making sure our new arrivals:

  • Are happy, settled, and secure.
  • Feel a part of academy life as soon as possible.
  • Are supported if English is not a first language.
  • Enjoy their learning.
  • Make friends.
  • Know who to go to for those all-important conversations.
  • Are ready to achieve outstanding success.
  • We believe our children deserve nothing less, and we will do the very best for them, whoever they are, wherever they come from.

On this page, you can find information about how to apply for a place, in-year admissions, open events, and what to expect for your child’s first days at the school.

Primary Admissions Policies

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How to Apply

Admissions to the school are coordinated by Reading Borough Council, and your application can be completed and submitted online.

Click the button below to visit the Reading Borough Council applications website for the application form and further details.

Click here to apply now

If you would like your child to join our school, Please contact our school office to find out more.

For advice about the application process, please contact: [email protected]

Visit our School

To arrange a tour of the school, please contact our school office. We’d love to show you and your little one around our fantastic school.

In-Year Admissions

If you are seeking a place at St Mary and All Saints CE Primary School during the year for any child other than a new reception child for a September start, all applications must be made using this form, which must be returned to the school (to Reading Borough Council). Reading Borough Council forms should only be used for September start admissions for Reception class. These are available using the link below.


New Starters - What to Expect

Every child’s start to school life is a vitally important period. At St Mary & All Saints, we do everything we can to make it a smooth, happy, and positive experience. Our early years team place a strong focus on assisting children with the transition from home to school life.