Links with the Diocese

We are part of the Diocese of Oxford and work hard to maintain our links with them. We subscribe to the Partnership Service Agreement (PSA) that they offer which provides us with bespoke support in the development of our Christian distinctiveness as well as the opportunity for staff to engage in a variety of training. In the last year staff have attended training on collective worship and RE led by the Diocese staff. We also work with other schools in the Diocese including All Saints Infants School which is in our parish and hold our Christingle service with them.

All Anglican churches are part of a wider regionally based family of churches called a Diocese. Our parish is part of the Diocese of Oxford. Christ Church in Oxford is our local cathedral. Year 6 often attend the Diocesan leavers' service at the Cathedral

In Reading we fall under the guidance and leadership of the Bishop of Reading. Olivia Graham is our new bishop and we have already invited her to visit the school to talk to us about her experience working in Africa.

Previous bishops have visited the school including Bishop Stephen Cottrell, who opened the school in 2005.