Our Staff

At St Mary and All Saints, we have some of the most enthusiastic teachers and teaching staff in the country. They are highly motivated, committed, and passionate about providing our pupils with the best education possible.

Leadership Team

Matt Parting - Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mia Stanbrook - Deputy Headteacher, Maths Leader, Pupil Premium Leader

Michelle Birch - Assistant Headteacher, KS1 Leader, Phonics & Early Reading Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, ECT Mentor

Liam McWade - Assistant Headteacher, KS2 Leader, Writing Leader

Karen Welton - EYFS Lead

Kathrine Dunn - SENCO, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Art Lead

Andy Armstrong - Behaviour & Inclusion lead, deputy designated safeguarding lead, Computing Leader

Early Years Team

Karen Welton - EYFS Lead

Sara Cox – Nursery Teacher

Sarah Herdman – Nursery Teacher

Leah Fernandez - Teacher 

Emma Venables - Early Years Practitioner 

Kelly Jewell -  Early Years Practitioner 

Bethan Simmonds - Early Years Practitioner 

Chloe Kirk - Early Year Practitioner

Evrin Eren - Early Year Practitioner

Key Stage 1

Sara Brown - Year 1 Teacher, Science Lead, Deputy SENCo

Michelle Birch - Teacher, Phonics & Early Reading Lead

Kirsty Stone - Year 1 Teacher/ELSA

Elaine Atkinson - Year 2 Teacher

Vanessa Bews - TA

Karen Bates - TA

Kerry Hughes - TA

Kathryn Bembridge - TA

Aisha Ammar - TA

Key Stage 2

Carly Mouncher - Year 3 Teacher

Cliona Cain - Year 3 Teacher

Andy Armstrong - Year 4 Teacher, Behaviour Lead, Computing lead

Hattie Nation – Year 4 Teacher, Reading Lead, MFL Lead

Vandna Gautam - Year 5 Teacher

Judith Hills – Year 5 Teacher

Liam McWade - Year 6 Teacher, Writing Lead

James Toole - Year 6 Teacher 

Paula Kirby - HLTA

Noorain Syeda - TA

Ruth Gilbe - TA

Charlie Clarke - Sports Coach, PPA Cover

Helen Toole - PPA Cover, Music Teacher, Music lead

Safeguarding Team

Matt Parting - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Michelle Birch - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Gemma Cruse - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Andy Armstrong - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Kathrine Dunn - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mia Stanbrook - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

SEND & Welfare Team

Kathrine Dunn - SEND Coordinator

Gemma Cruse Family Support Work - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Kirsty Stone - ELSA


Rachel Toole

SEN Resource Unit (HIVE)

Jemma Jamieson - SEN TA

Summer Harris – SEN TA

SEN Resource Unit (Bumblebees)

Nicole Bornman-Hill - SEN Teacher

Jennifer Pieper - SEN TA

Sreetama Datta - SEN TA

Menna Herbert - SEN TA

Sophie Carter - SEN TA

Office Team

Punam Sharma - Senior Pupil Services Officer

Rubina Alam Pupil - Services Officer

Fozia Pervaiz Pupil - Services Officer

Grounds & Premises

Steve Tunmore - Site Manager

Midday Support Assistant (MDSA)

Elaine Fullbrook - MDSA

Rosemary Holland - MDSA

Sasha Oldacre - MDSA

Emily Wisnieswska - MDSA

Jolanta Morley - MDSA

Susana Trindade - MDSA

Rachel Toole - MDSA

Natalie Strong - MDSA

Breakfast Club

Vanessa Bews - TA

Karen Bates - TA

After School Club

Kirsty Stone - ELSA

Paula Kirby - HLTA

We are committed to supporting our staff team in every way that we can, including their mental health and well-being. Staff know who they can turn to with concerns and have access to external support through Care First, provided by The White Horse Federation.


St Mary and All Saints is not only a great school for pupils, it’s also a fantastic school for teachers. Working in partnership with The White Horse Federation, we offer teachers extensive support, fantastic resources, and a range of training opportunities. We welcome teachers of all experience, whether they have recently qualified or have been teaching pupils for many years.


Teaching Careers at SMAS

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St Mary and All Saints is not only a great school for pupils, it’s also a fantastic school for teachers. Working in partnership with The White Horse Federation, we offer teachers extensive support, fantastic resources, and a range of training opportunities. We welcome teachers of all experience, whether they have recently qualified or have been teaching pupils for many years.